What a great time of fellowship and discovery!
We had a big announcement about the Craft Fair. It was a busy and long weekend but well worth it. When all was said and done we made over $2700!
This is going to be huge for our budget next year! The money will provide us with child care costs and hopefully some scholarships.
Our next fundraiser will be our Mother's Day Tea with is set for Saturday May 9th. More info on that will come in the next few months.
The last big announcement is, we've requested that all our mom's sign up to volunteer for child care during one of our meetings. You don't have to, but it would be a great help. In addition, if you sign up but are able to find a friend or relative to take your spot then you can attend the meeting instead!
Our subject this month was “Identity.” If you weren’t able to read pages 11-40 in “The Mommy Diaries,” there were some really great inspirational stories.
One of the stories that really touched me was titled, “The High Chair Day.” The part that really stuck with me was the section that the author talked about saying yes to everything.
“I said yes to everything that came along. Yes to the person wanting to offer a party-plan home show. Yes to the leaderless committee at church. Yes to the substitute Sunday school teaching. Yes to the undones my husband couldn’t finish. Yes to the neighbors, yes to anyone, everyone – because good women said yes. But I never said yes to myself.”
How true is this of us moms? We get into a rut of being everything because we are the MOM.. or as I like to call it Manager Of the Masses.
Our speaker this month, Lucetta Elmer, made a wonderful point. She said, “Don’t get so stuck on your idea of your identity.” We get so caught up in being moms we forget who we were before our wonderful children came along.
I want to end this post on a great thing that Sara Groves said during the video clip.
“It's important that your kids see you being passionate and doing what you're called to do .”
So I challenge all of you to touch base with the person you were before you became a mom and go out and do something you used to do. Spend an hour in a coffee shop reading a book, take a leisurely walk down 3rd street and window shop, delve back into your creative side, whatever it is that you found pleasure in set some time aside and do it. I guarantee you will feel refreshed and renewed, just in time to make those holiday dinners.. =0)
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