We were blessed with beautiful weather and wonderful food.
If you were able to make it, thank you so much for joining us! If you weren't then we look forward to seeing you at our first meeting of the season on Friday Oct. 2nd!
Our first meeting is titled "The Hood in Motherhood" and will cover how we change and evolve when transitioning into motherhood.
If you have received your book, "Life on Planet Mom," you can read the 1st chapter. It's about 20 pages but reads really quickly.
Also, if you haven't registered yet please click on the registration links in the sidebar. Print out the forms, fill them out and bring them with you to our first meeting. You will need to fill out a separate MOPPETS form for each child that will be cared for during the meetings.
The dues for the 2009-10 season are as follows:
- International Dues: $23.95 - Because we are affiliated with MOPS International all members must pay these dues. Included with payment is the 2009 theme book "Life on Planet Mom," a year subscription to the bi-monthly MomSense magazine, and the Mom Email which is sent weekly.
- Local Dues: $24.00 - Local dues stay within our group. We use this money to cover the cost of childcare, crafts, and other meeting expenses. We do actively fund-raise throughout the year which is what keeps the dues as low as they are.
Summer was fun, but we can't wait to get the new season underway! See you in October!!
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