Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shine your Light

Last Sunday during the service at the Church on the Hill, Pastor Jerry said something that really resonated with me.

"If you don't have time for people, they may get the feeling that Jesus doesn't have time for them either. Because you are a representative for Christ."

I've been really thinking about this since then and realized that I am at fault. I tend to be so encompassed in my own life that I don't take the time to stop and look at those around me. To see who possibly needs a comforting word, a listening ear, or even a shoulder to cry on.

I'm even guilty of this with my own kids. I get caught up in a project and their attempts to gain my attention go unnoticed, or I view them as a simple nuisance.

The other day my son was asking me several questions while I was working on a deadline for an article. I was only half listening to what he was saying and noncommittally answering him. Then like a bright light through the fog his next question shined. He asked, "Mommy, does God hear all our prayers?"

It was at that moment that I knew my deadline could wait. That the real deadline was talking to my son so that he didn't think God only half listened like I had been.

In the David Crowder Band song "Shine" the last verse goes:

"Shine Your light so all can see it
Lifted up, 'cause the whole world needs it
Love has come, what joy to hear it
He has overcome, He has overcome"

By making time to share Jesus with others we are shining His light. And He will always overcome.

(I wanted you all to enjoy the video of "Shine". Watch the story as it plays out; it's an amazing video and song. Enjoy!)

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